Sunday 20 January 2013



                According to me, bullying at school has become a nightmare for students. Bullying is a big problem that common happens in School between a student and a student or even worse between a group of students with only a student.
School bullying occurs in every area worldwide. It can occur at any time during the school hours and anywhere in the school building. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional.
Bullying really affects to student who gets bullied and yet because parents, teachers, and other adults don't always see it, they may not understand how extreme bullying can get.

                Students who get bullied wake up with fears in the morning to go to school. They are afraid that they will get bullied at school in some ways, such as in physical bullying for examples hitting, punching, pulling hair, kicking, pushing, or in verbal bullying by teasing them with rude or harsh words, cursing them or name calling to intimidate them and the last in emotional bullying by spreading malicious rumors about them .

                Two of the main reasons the students are bullied are because of appearance and social status. For example a student with low social status and study in a high class school with scholarship may get bullied because the Bullies think that the student doesn’t fit to be a student of that school, and bullies usually do bullying on how a student looks like or if the bullies think that the student is gay or lesbian.

                Bullying is a big problem that affects to students who get bullied. Bullying is violence, and it often leads to more violent behavior as the bully grows up. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, Feeling as if their life has fallen apart, anxiety and Excessive stress. In the long term it can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder, mental illness such as psychopathy, and an inability to form relationship, and the worse, they may also think about suicide more.  Some teen bullies end up being rejected by their peers and lose friendships as they grow older. Bullies may also fail in school and not have the career or relationship success that other people enjoy.
According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40% to 80% of school-age children experience bullying at some point during their school careers
                There is evidence that bullying increases the risk of suicide. It is estimated that between 15 and 25 children commit suicide every year in the UK alone, because they are being bullied.
            Sometimes the student who becomes the victim of repeated bullying cannot control the need for revenge and the situation becomes dangerous for everyone.

                Dombeck says that as a forty-year-old man, he still feels the effects of the bullying he received as a ten-year-old. Every day, he would dread riding the bus home from school because he was bullied by the older children on the bus. That fact shows us how bullying affects the students so much. It is hard to erase the memory of being bullied. The physical bullying may get erased as they grow up but the scars in their hearts…it needs big effort to erase it.

                But some have argued that bullying can teach life lessons and instill strength. Helene Guldberg, a child development academic, sparked controversy when she argued that being a victim of bullying can teach a child "how to manage disputes and boost their ability to interact with others” and the teachers should not intervene, but leave children to respond to the bullying themselves
                Despite occasional assertions that bullying can be positive and even productive, the avowed normative consensus is that bullying is a form of abuse and is wholly negative. Bullying is a violence and it is obvious caused scars for a long time to students who get bullied.
                So Once Again Bullying at School is a big no.


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